Islam (Basics)

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Basics Beliefs in Islam a Introduction to Islam press Ctrl button + F to find a content in page

Beliefs Relating To Allah's Self And His Characteristics (Allah Ta'ala's Monotheism [Oneness] And His Qualities)
Allah is one. He is Pure, He is Unique, he is free from faults. He is the total of all qualities and excellence. No one in any thing is equal to him or is level with him or higher than him. In his qualities of characteristics he has always existed and will always remain. Eternity is only for his self and his characteristics. Except Him, whatever exists hasn't been there always, but in fact has been created by Him. He is from Himself meaning no-one has created Him. He is not a father of anyone, nor a son, nor does he have a wife nor any relations. He is self sufficient from all this. He is not dependant of anyone on any matter and all are dependant of Him. To give wealth, to kill, to give life are all in his control. He is the master of all, He does whatever He wishes. Nobody can challenge His order. Without His will a grain does not move. He is aware of all things hidden, shown, what has happened and what is going to happen, there is not the slightest thing that is outside His knowledge. The world, the universe, every single creation in existence has been created by Him. Everyone is His servant. He is more beneficent towards His servants than a person's parents. He is the one who forgives sins and accepts one's repentance. His hold is so strong that no one can escape without His willingness. To give one respect or disrespect is in His control. Whoever He wishes He will give them respect, whoever He wishes he will give them disrespect. Possession and fortune are in His control, whoever He wishes He will make rich, whoever He wishes He will make them poor.

Guidance and Mis-guidance is from Allah

Guidance or to go astray is given by Him. Whoever He wishes will have faith, whoever He wishes will gain infidelity. There is always a reason in His actions. There is always Justice in His actions. He will award Paradise to Muslims and give punishment in Hell to Infidels. Whether a servant understands or does not understand there is always a reason behind His actions. His gifts are a favour upon everyone and are countless. He is the only one who deserves worshipping, except Him no-one is worthy of worship.

Allah's existence

Allah Ta'ala is Pure from body and parts. Meaning he is not a body nor are any things connected to Him that you would find in a body, in fact this is impossible to Him. He is pure from place or boundary, direction, face, weight, breadth, gain, loss, joint with something, to mix in something, to be born to give birth, to move from one place to another place, to change in shape or size, or any other thing which may relate to a body. In the Holy Quran and the Hadith Sharif where many words that have been used to explain Allah, for example 'Yadd meaning hand','Wajh meaning face', 'Rijl meaning leg','Dihac meaning to smile' etc. which according to the dictionary relates to the body, to take this type of meanings is to go astray or one who has bad beliefs (because Allah does not have a body). These types of words are interpreted according to the dignity of Allah, because to take these word literally is impossible for Allah. For example Yadd's interpretation is Power and Wajh is interpreted as self and 'Istiw'a' is interpreted as to power over someone. However, it is better that one should not even consider interpretation without cause. In fact one should believe it as correct and leave the meaning to Allah, i.e. He knows better. Our faith is on the quote of Allah and is beloved Prophet. 'Istiw'a is correct, Yadd is correct but this Istiw'a is not like the Istiw'a of a creation. His Yadd is not like the Yadd of a creation. His speech, His sight, His hearing is not like the speech, sight, hearing of a creation.

Allah's Self and His characteristics are not from creation or from power.

  • Belief: Except for Allah's Self and His characteristics every thing is created meaning it did not exist but was created after.
  • Belief: To call the characteristics of Allah a creation is to go astray and a bad belief.
  • Belief: Whoever has the belief that except for Allah's self or characteristics something else is 'Kadeem' (meaning always been in existence) or believes that the world is not a creation but has always been in existence then they are a Kafir (Infidel).
  • Belief: Just in the same way that Allah Ta'ala is the creator of the universe and all it's belongings, He is also the creator of our actions and doings.
Allah Ta'ala's presence
  • Allah is WajibulWajood meaning that his presence is necessary and disappearance impossible.
  • Belief: There is nothing that is outside the knowledge of Allah. Whether it is present or not. Whether it is possible or impossible. Whether it is specific or global. He has been aware of everything, is aware of everything, and will always be aware of everything for infinity. Things change but his knowledge does not change. He is fully aware of our intention and what is in our heart. His knowledge has no end.
  • Belief: Without Allah's intention nothing can happen, however, he is happy when something good occurs and upset when something bad occurs.
  • Belief: Allah has the power of all possible things. No possible thing is out of his power. Things which are impossible for Allah are not under his power. To believe power over the impossible for Allah is to reject Allah.
  • Belief: Good and bad, Infidelity and faith, to obey and defy is all created by Allah.
  • Belief: In real terms Allah is the deliverer of wealth. Angels are servants and interceders.
  • Belief: There is nothing necessary for Allah, not to give reward or to pass on punishment or to favour upon, because he is the master without any restriction whatsoever. Whatever He wishes he can do, whatever He wishes he can order. If He rewards then it is his virtue, if He punishes then it is his fair judgment. Yes it is His graciousness that He will only order what a servant can do. He will of course give with His virtue paradise for Muslims and He will give from His judgement Hell to non-Muslims, because He has promised that except for Infidelity whatever Sin He wishes He will forgive and His promises or threats do not change. This is why punishment and reward will definitely occur.
  • Belief: Allah is care free from the world. He does not gain any benefit or loss from it. Nor can it give Him benefit or loss. Whatever He does, there is no personal benefit or gain to Him. From creating the world there is no personal benefit to Him and if He had not created it there would have been no personal loss to Him. To show His virtue, judgement and qualities He created the creatures.
  • Belief: In everything that Allah does there are a lot of reasons behind it whether we understand them or not. It is his reasoning that He has made one thing to be a cause for another thing. He made Fire to be the cause of heat. He made water to be the cause to cool something. He made the eye so that one could see, He made the ear so that one could hear. If he wished He could have made fire to cool, water to heat, eye to hear, ear to see.
  • Belief: For Allah all faults and mistakes are impossible. Like to lie, illiteracy. mistake, cruelty, to be shameless, all sorts of faults are impossible for Allah. If someone believes that Allah can lie but does not lie, they are therefore believing that Allah has the power to make a mistake or fault but does not do so. Then it does not stop there one would have to believe that Allah can perform any sort of fault but does not do so, like to steal, perform adultery, be cruel, to give birth etc. etc. "Ta'ala Allaho An Zaalika Ulwan Kabeera" Allah is pure from all them sort of things. To believe Allah can perform faults but does not do so is to believe faults in Allah and therefore rejecting Allah as a Lord. May Allah protect us against having these sorts of belief.
Within the knowledge of Allah there is, what was going to happen in the world and whatever servants were going to do, Allah found this out from the beginning and wrote it down. He wrote goodness in some people's fate and wrote badness in another person's fate. He did not make the person helpless by writing this down, but wrote down what the servant was going to do. If he wrote badness in a person's fate then this is because the person was going to perform badness and if he wrote goodness in a person's fate then this is because the person was going to perform goodness. Allah's knowledge or due to Allah writing this down did not make a person helpless.
Rule: It is forbidden to discuss or debate the subject of destiny, a person should only think that they are not helpless like stones and therefore cannot do anything according to their will, but actually Allah has given humans the power to do as they please and the reward and sin is based upon this power of will. To believe yourself as totally without will or totally helpless is a misguided belief. After performing bad deeds you should not say that this happened because it was Allah's will and therefore it was in my destiny, but all good things are done with the pleasure of Allah and all bad deeds are done with the pleasure of one's desires.


Just as it is necessary to know Allah's self. characteristics, and attributes, it is also as important to know what aspects should be present in a Prophet and what should not be, so that a person can be protected from infidelity.

Meaning of a Messenger (Rasool)

Messenger means He who brings the message from the Lord to the servants.

Who is a Prophet

A Prophet is the person who received the 'Wahi' (revelation) meaning a message from Allah for the guidance of mankind to show people the path to the lord. Whether this message came via angels to the Prophet or whether the knowledge was given direct to the Prophet from the lord. Many Prophets and many angels are Messengers (Rasools). All Prophets were male, nor has a Jinn ever been a Prophet nor has there been a female Prophet. One cannot be a Prophet due to worship or perseverance, but become a Prophet due to Allah's will, and therefore a person's effort does not make them favourable. Hence, Allah makes only them a Prophet who he deems fit and are born like so, and always stay away from sin even before becoming a Prophet and also are always attracted to good. There is never an aspect in a Prophet that people would hate.

Prophet's walking, conduct, looks, features, nobility and family.

A Prophet's walk, conduct, looks, features, nobility, family, ways, manner, talk and conversation are all good and free from faults. A prophet's intelligence is complete. A Prophet is the most clever out of all people. The highest qualified doctor or philosopher's intelligence does not reach even a millionth part of the Prophet's intelligence. Those who believe that they can become Prophet due to their effort are infidels (Kafir) and those who believe that a Prophet's prophecy can be taken away from them are also infidels.

Who is Ma'soom (immune from Sin)

A Prophet or an Angel are Ma'soom,meaning they are completely immune from sin and therefore cannot commit a sin. Except for Prophets or Angels if one believes that an Imam or a Wali are also Ma'soom then they are misguided and have deviated from the right sect. Although there are Imams and great Walis who also do not commit sin. however, if sometimes they do commit a sin then according to Shariat this is not impossible. To pass the message of Allah, a Prophet can never make a mistake as this is impossible.
Associating a Prophet with fear: Those who say that the message of Allah is sometimes not passed on by a Prophet due to the fear of people or some other reason, is an infidel. Prophets are better than all creations. In fact they are better than those Angels who are Rasools.

To believe a Wali to be better than a Prophet

Regardless of how high a rank of a Wali is, they can never be equal to a Prophet. Those who show a non-Prophet better than a Prophet are Infidels.
Belief. From Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salaam to our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam there has come many Prophets, Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham), Hazrat Moosa (Moses), Hazrat Eisa (Jesus) and also thousands of others. The above four were Messengers and also Prophets. The last of all Prophets and Messengers and the most virtuous of all creations, is Allah's most beloved our Master Hazrat Ahmad Mujtaba Muhammad Mustapha Salallaho Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasaliam. After the beloved Prophet there has never been another Prophet nor will there be another Prophet. Whoever believes that there will be a Prophet or has been a Prophet during our Prophet's era or after or actually believes it as a possibility of someone obtaining Prophecy is a Kafir/Infidel.

Our Prophet's unique virtues and excellence

Allah Ta'ala created from his light our beloved Prophet, before any other thing. Prophets, Angels, Earth, Skies, Heavens etc. have all been created from the ray of the Holy Prophet's light (Noor). Except for Allah or being equal to Allah, our beloved Prophet has been given whatever qualities there are, and whatever excellence exists, by Allah Ta'ala. In the whole universe there cannot be anything or anyone with the same or greater quality than our beloved Prophet. Huzoor is the most virtuous creation and a delegate of Allah Ta'ala. Huzoor is the Prophet of all the other Prophets and it is a necessity for everyone to follow the Prophet. Allah Ta'ala has gifted Huzoor with the keys of all Allah's treasures, All the world and religious gifts are provided and created by Allah and shared and given out by our beloved Prophet. Allah Ta'ala gave our Prophet the unique gift of Me'raj, meaning called him above the skies (Ursh) and showed him his vision with the Prophet's own eyes. The Prophet listened to Allah's voice and was given a tour of Jannat (paradise), Dozakh (hell), Ursh (above the skies) and Kursi (throne). All this happened in a short period at night. On the day of judgement our Prophet will be the first to perform intercession, meaning he will intercede for people in the court of Allah. He will raise the grades. There are many other qualities, to much to mention in this short section.

Belief. To treat something relating to the Prophet as low

If someone treated any of the Holy Prophet's quotations or actions or deeds or situations as not worthy or looked upon them with degrading value then they are a Kafir. [QaziKhan, Shifa Kaazi Ayaaz etc]

Maujiza - miracles performed by Prophets

Difference between Maujizaa and Karamat
The untoward action which is impossible to perform, and a Prophet performs it to prove their prophecy and astonishes Infidels is known as a 'Maujizaa'. For example to bring back to life the dead, with the movement of the finger to split the moon into two. If these types of actions are performed by a Wali (friend of Allah) then it is known as a Karaamat. If they are performed by an ordinary person or wrongdoer or a Kafir then it is known as 'Istidraj'.

When seeing a Maujizaa the truth of a Prophet is accepted, because if this sort of power has been given to them to which they .can perform miracles, astonish people and make them helpless then they are truly a Messenger and a Prophet of Allah, as false liars who claim to be a Prophet cannot perform these types of miracles. Allah Ta'ala never gives the false claimants of Prophet-hood the power to perform Maujizaas, otherwise one would not be able to distinguish the difference between the true Prophets and false claimants.

Important Rule: The Prophet's mistakes

The mistakes that have been committed by the Prophets, to talk about them except for when praying about them in the Holy Quran and Hadith is Haram, meaning forbidden and strictly forbidden. How can others actually use their tongues against these kings, for Allah is the Ruler of alt. However he wishes to build a palace He can do so, meaning the Prophets are the Lord's beloved creations whatever way they want to present themselves to Allah, others cannot use them as their certificates to call them by. Meaning when a Prophet made a mistake the words used by Allah to call them Prophets or whatever the Prophets named themselves in the state of servant-hood, no follower has the right to use them phrases in relation to the Prophets, as this is completely not allowed and strictly forbidden.


Allah Ta'ala revealed to his Messengers his statement and message. Tauret was revealed to Hazrat Moosa, Zuboor was revealed to Hazrat Da'ood, Injeel was revealed to Hazrat Eisa and many other books were revealed to many other Prophets. The followers of these Prophets altered these books, added or extracted statements and therefore changed the orders of Allah. Then Allah Ta'ala revealed to our Master, Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam the Holy Quran. The Quran is such a unique book that no one can make another like it, whether the whole world tried together to make one, they couldn't. The Quran is complete with all the knowledge and every aspect is enlightened. It is the same now, fourteen hundred years later as it was when it was revealed, and will always remain the same. If the whole world wished, even then there would not a be a slightest letter difference to it. Those who say that someone has altered or increased or decreased it or the true Quran is kept by the Imam of the unseen, then they are a Kafir. This is the true Quran. It is necessary for all to bring faith on this Quran. There will now, not come a new Prophet nor a new book, those who believe against this are not Muslims.


Angels are creations of light. They have been given the strength by Allah Ta'ala to turn into whatever shape or form they wish, whether it be of a Human or another creation. Angels never do anything against the order of Allah, nor purposely or by mistake, because they are Ma'soom. They are pure from all types of sins small or large. Allah Ta'ala has given many types of duties, some angels have a fixed duty of taking out the soul, some to give rain, some have been given the task to create the face of a child in the mother's womb, some to write the deeds of an individual, some to do a particular type of duty, others to do another type of duty etc. Angels are not male or female. To believe them as 'Kadeem' (always have been in existence or always will be in existence) or to believe them as the creators is Kufr/infidelity. The slightest form of insult for an Angel is also infidelity [Aiamgiri etc]. Some people call their enemies or oppressors as 'the angel of death', to say such things is not allowed and close to infidelity. To reject the existence of Angels or to say that the strength of all good is known as Angels and there are no such things are both acts of Kufr.


Jinn are created from fire. Out of these many have been given the strength to change in whatever form they wish. Wicked, evil Jinn are known as Shaitaan. They are like humans, .they are intelligent, have a soul and a body. They eat, drink, live, die and have children. Within them there are infidels, Muslims, Sunni, bad-sects and every type. There are more of bad Jinn in quantity as per humans. To say that there is no such thing as Jinn or the Jinn is the bad in you are acts of Kufr/infidelity.

Every single person's age is fixed. It cannot increase from it's fixed time nor can it decrease. When the time of life is finishing, Hazrat Izraeel Alaihi Salaam comes to extract the dying person's soul, and the person dying looks to his left and right and sees Angels everywhere. The angels of mercy come to a Muslim and for the infidels the angels of punishment appear. At this time even the infidels believe the truth about Islam, but their faith is at this time is not counted. This is because faith is the name of believing the message of Allah and his beloved Messenger without seeing proof, and at this time one sees the angels and then believes and this is therefore not accepted as a Muslim. A Muslim's soul is taken out with ease and is then taken with respect by the angels of mercy. An infidel's soul is taken out with great pain and the angels of punishment take it with disgrace. After death the soul does not go into another body and is then reborn, but upto the day of judgement stays in the world of 'barzakh' meaning the interval between death and resurrection. To believe that the soul goes into another human body or an animal's body or into trees or plants etc. and is known as reincarnation is wrong and is Kufr.

What is death ?

When the soul comes out of the body, this is known as death. However, the soul does not disintegrate but remains in the world of 'barzakh'.

Where does the soul remain after death ?
According to faith and deeds performed, a different place is fixed for the soul to remain. Until the day of resurrection it stays in that place. Some stay underneath the 'Ursh' (above the skies), some remain at 'Aala eliyyeen' (the highest point), some remain at the well of Zam Zam, some remain in their grave. The souls of infidels are imprisoned. Some are imprisoned in the well of 'Barhoot', some in 'Sajeen' (the lowest point in Earth), some at their place of cremation or burial.

Does the soul die ?
In any situation the soul does not die or disintegrate but remains unchanged. Whatever it's position and whatever it's state is, it always remains connected to the body. If the body has pain it also feels the pain. If the body is relaxed, the soul is also relaxed. When someone visits the grave, it sees the person and recognises them and listens to what they are saying. In relation to the Muslim's soul it is stated in the Hadith Sharif that when a Muslim dies, it's path is opened and it can go wherever it pleases. Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz writes that there is no such thing as near and far for a soul, but all places are equal.

The death of a soul and it's condition
Those who believe that the soul can die and disintegrate is a 'bud mazhab' meaning from a deviated sect. The dead also speaks. It's voice is heard by animals etc. except for normal humans and Jinn.

The tightening of the grave
After burial, the grave tightens up and presses the dead. It presses the Muslim like a mother holds a child. It presses the infidel to the extent of crushing them, like the left side bones end up on the right side. When the people leave after burial, the dead hears the footsteps.

What are Munkar Nakkeer like and what do they ask?

At that time two angels called 'Munkar and Nakeer' come ripping through the earth, their faces look very fearful and scary. Their body is black, eyes green and black and very large in size popping out like the Jinn's eyes and made of fire. Their hair is very scary and long from head to toe, their teeth are very long with which they rip through the earth. They wake up the dead shaking and rattling them. They ask with great strength with a deep voice these three questions;

"MAN RABBUKA" meaning 'Who is your lord'?
"MAA DEENUKA" meaning 'what is your religion' ?
"MAA KUNTA TAQUL FEE HAZAR RAJL" meaning 'What did you used to say about this person'?
If the dead is a Muslim he will reply as follows;

"RABBUNALLAH" my lord is Allah,
"DEENIL ISLAM" my religion is Islam,
"HUWA RASOOLULLAHE SALLALHO ALAIHI WASSALLAM" This is Allah's Messenger, He has been embraced with Allah's mercy, greeting to Him.

Now a voice from the skies will be heard saying "My servant has said the truth, lay the tablecloth of paradise for him, give him clothes from paradise to wear and open the doors of paradise (Jannat) for him. The cool air and the sweet fragrance of Jannat will continue to come and wherever the eyesight can reach the grave will be made wide and large. Angels will say "sleep like a groom sleeps". All this will be for the good pious Muslims. For the sinful, their will be punishment according to their sins. This punishment will continue for a time then from the prayers of the pious or from 'Eesaal-e-Sawab' (good acts performed by people for the dead's forgiveness) or from prayers for their forgiveness or simply from the mercy of Allah this punishment will stop. Then there will be relaxation.

If the dead is an infidel/Kafir, then he will not be able to answer the questions and will say "HAA HAA LA ADRI" meaning 'shame for I know nothing'. Now a caller will shout "He is a liar, lay the table cloth of fire for him, and give him clothes of fire to wear and open the doors of hell (Dozakh) for him, from which the heat of hell will reach him . There will be two angels allocated to him to give him punishment and will hit him with great big hammers. He will also be bitten by big scorpions and snakes. All different kinds of punishment will continue until the day of resurrection.

Notice - who will not be asked questions in the grave

The Prophets will not be asked questions in the graves nor will their graves tighten. Many followers will also not be asked the questions, like those Muslims who die on Friday or in the month of Ramadan' The situation of relaxation and punishment in the grave is a fact. This punishment or reward is for both the body and the soul. Whether the body disintegrates or burns or mixes in the soil, it's original parts remains until the day of resurrection. It will have reward or punishment and on the day of judgement it will be reformed back to a body. These original parts are actually situated in the spine and cannot be seen by humans nor are they eaten by the soil and nor can they be burned. These are the seeds of the body and from theseAllah joins the rest of the parts of the body, which have been spread by either being turned into ashes or soil and are reformed into the original body. The soul then comes back into that body and is presented in the field of resurrection. This day is known as 'Hashr'. This also re-iterates the point that the souls go back to the same body that they belong to and by burning the body or by the body disintegrating it does not disappear but is recreated from it's original seeds, and therefore a whole new replacement body is not created but the original is recreated, and all the changes does not affect it. For example, when a child is born and then a person grows up becomes a teenager and then becomes a man, but after all these changes the person is the same, a new person does not appear. The person knows that ten years ago it was me and it is still me, all these changes haven't made a new person and every person understands this about themselves and about others.

Where a person has buried or has been left to rot, the questions will be asked there and the punishment will occur there. Like, if a tiger has eaten a person, the questions will be asked inside the tiger's stomach, and the punishment and reward will also happen there. A person who rejects the fact of the punishment and reward of the grave is a misguided person.

Who's body cannot be eaten by the soil
Rule: Prophets, Walis (friends of Allah), Martyrs, A Hafiz of the Quran who also acts upon the instructions of the Holy Quran, a person who has never committed a sin and those who pray the Durood Sharif at all times, their bodies are not eaten by the soill. Those who say that the Prophet's bodies "have died and eaten by the soil" is a misguided, from the wrong sect, evil and an insulting person.


One day all teh world, humans, animals, jinn, angels, earth, skies and whatever that is in them will be finished. Except for Allah there will be nothing left. This is known as the coming of 'Qayamat'. Before the coming of Qayamat. there will be some signs that will appear Out of which, we write some of them here.

Khasf meaning that there will be three places where the earth will open up and men will be buried alive. One in the west, one in the east and one in Arabia.

The knowledge of religion will go, meaning the Ulema (scholars of religion)will be taken away.
There will be a large exploitation of illiteracy.
There will be great use of alcohol and adultery. In such a shameful extent that it will be as common as donkeys eating grass.
There will be less male and more females. The ratio will be fifty women compared to one man.
There will be a lot of goods.
In Arabia there will be green scenery such as green crops parks and streams. The streams will open it's treasures and there will be mountains of gold.
Men will listen to their women and not their parents They will stay in close contact with their friends and stay away fromtheir parents
There will be great use of music.
People will curse their ancestors and speak ill of them.
The wrongdoers and non-capable will be made leaders.
Degraded people who could not find cheap clothing, will own large mansions.
People will scream and shout in mosques.
To stay in Islam will be so difficult as it is difficult to hold hot ash in the hand. Upto the extent that a person will go the cemetery and wish that they were in that grave.
There will be no quality in time. A year will be like a month. A month will be like a week. A week will be like a day A day will be like as if an item has caught fire and quickly turns into ash, meaning time will go very fast.
Savaqe animals will speak to humans. The point of a whip, the heel of a shoe will speak dialogue and will tell you what has happened in the home. In fact a person's thigh will inform him.
The sun will rise from the west. At this point, the doors of repentance will close. One can no longer bring faith into Islam.
Except for the big 'Dajjal' (impostor), there will be thirty other impostors who will all claim to be Prophets. Where in fact Prophecy has finished. There will be no other Prophet after our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallallaho Alaihi Sallam. Out of these impostors there have already been some, for example, Musslimiyya Kizzab, Taleeha Bin Khuwild, Asood Ansi,
Mirza Ali Muhammad Baab, Mirza Ali Hussain Baha'ullah, Mirza Gulam Ahmed Qadyani etc and those that are left will certainly come.


The characteristics of Dajjal and his actions
Dajjal will have only one eye. He will claim to be the lord. On his head the letters K, F, R, (Kaaf, Feh, Reh) will be written, meaning Kafir (infidel), and this will be read by all Muslims, but it will not be seen by the infidels. He will travel very fast. In forty days he will travel all the world except 'Harmain Sharifain' (the two holy mosques in Makkah and Madinah). Within these forty days the first day will be the length of one year, the second day will be the length of one month, the third will be the length of one week and the rest will each be twenty four hours long. His mischief will be very demanding. He will have with him, one garden and one place of fire. He will call these Jannat and Dozakh and wherever he goes he will take them with him. His Jannat will really be fire and his Dozakh will really be a place for rest. He will order people to believe him as the lord. Whoever believes him as the lord he will put them into his Jannat. and whoever rejects him, he will throw them into his Dozakh. He will bring back to life the dead. He will make rainfall. He will order the earth and it will grow crops. He will go into areas of desolation. The treasures of these areas will be with him like bees are with flowers. He will show all kinds of miracles like these, which really will be nothing but magic and illusions. Really there will be nothing with him and that is why when he disappears everything will disappear with him and people with have nothing. When he will want to go to 'Harmain Sharifain' the angels will force his face to another direction. He will have a whole army of Jews with him.

When Dajjal completes travelling the whole world and goes to Syria, Hazrat Eisa (Jesus) will descend from the sky and arrive in the Jamia Mosque in Damascus on the east minaret. The time will be morning. The Iqamat of Fajr Namaz will have been called. Hazrat Eisa Alaihis Salaam will order Hazrat Imam Mehdi (may Allah be pleased with him) to lead the congregation of Namaz i.e. be the Imam. Hazrat Imam Mehdi will perform the Namaz. The cursed Dajjal will start melting from the beautiful fragrance given from Hazrat Eisa's breath, just like salt starts melting with water. The fragrant smell of Hazrat Eisa's breath will reach as far as one's sight can see. Dajjal will run away. Hazrat Eisa will follow him and will stab him in the back with a spear. With this he will join hell. Then Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam will break the cross. He will also slaughter the pig. All the Jewish and Christian children will bring faith upon him. At this time there will only be one religion and that will be Islam, and there will be only one sect and that will be Ahl-e-Sunnat. The children will play with snakes, both tigers and goats will eat on the same patch. Hazrat Eisa will marry and will have children. He will stay in this world for forty years and then pass away, He will be buried in the Holy Prophet's shrine next to the beloved Prophet.


Hazrat Imam Mehdi will be from the descendant of the Holy Prophet and a 'Hasani' Sayyed. He will be an Imam and a leader. Close to Qayamat when infidelity will spread to the whole world and the only place that Islam will be left will be 'Harmain Sharifain'. All the great Aulia (friends of Allah) and pious scholars will emigrate there. It will be the month of Ramadan and the pious will be performing Tawaf of the Holy Ka'aba and Hazrat Imam Mehdi will also be present there. The Aulia will recognise him. They will request his guidance and he will refuse them. A voice will come from the unseen "Haza Khalifatullaha Mehdi Fasma'oolahoo Wa Atee'a'oo" meaning 'This is Allah's Caliph Mehdi, listen to him and obey his orders'. All the people will take oath from his hand and then Hazrat Imam Mehdi will take all the people and come to Syria.


This is actually a tribe and are from the children of Yafis Bin Nooh Alaihi Salaam and it's quantity is large. They used to cause destruction on earth. They used to come out in spring and used to eat every green thing. They used to take away every dry thing. They used to eat humans and also wild beasts, snakes, scorpions were all eaten. Hazrat Zulkarnain made a wall of iron and enclosed them in it. When after slaughtering Dajjal, Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam takes all the Muslims to the mountain of 'KoheToor', then these Yajooz - Majooz will break the wall and come out. They will cause great destruction on earth. They cause rampage, looting, murder etc. Then with the prayer of Hazrat Eisa, Allah Ta'ala will finish them off.


This is an astonishing type of animal. It will come out from the mountain of Safa and will travel the whole world in great speed. It will speak clear, fluent Arabic. In it's hands, it will have the stick of Hazrat Moosa and the ring of Hazrat Suleman. With the stick it will stamp the foreheads of all Muslims with a shining mark, and with the ring it will stamp the foreheads of all infidels with a dark black mark. At this point all Muslims and infidels will be clearly identified and recognised. These signs will not change, whoever is an infidel will never be able to become a Muslim and whoever is a Muslim will never lose faith.


After the passing away of Hazrat Eisa and when there will be only forty years to go for Qayamat. A cold wind will pass underneath everybody's armpits and it's effect will be that all the souls of Muslims will be extracted and only infidels will remain. Qayamat will come for these infidels. With all the signs that have been mentioned, some have become apparent and others are yet to become apparent.

When And How Will Qavamat Come ?

Qayamat will come when all the signs become apparent and the cold sweet wind has gone through everybody and all the Muslims have passed away. There will be only infidels remaining, and the remaining forty years where no-one will have children, i.e. everyone will be over the age of forty. There will be no one in the world who will say the word Allah anymore. Each and individual person will be doing their day to day duties. Someone will be building a wall, someone will be eating and then with the one and only order of Allah, Hazrat Israfeel Alaihi Salaam will blow the Soor (horn). The sound of the horn will first of all be very faint, then it will start getting sharper and sharper. People will listen to the sound with great concentration and then they will become unconscious and then die. Then the skies, the ground, the sea, the mountains and even the Soor and Hazrat Israfeel together with all the angels will be finished. At this time except for Allah alone, there wilt be no one left. After this when Allah wishes, he will bring back to life Hazrat Israfeel Alaihi Salaam and re-create the Soor, and order Hazrat Israfeel to blow it again. As soon as the Soor is blown all the people from the beginning to the end, all the angels, humans, jinn, animals will become alive again. People will start coming out of their graves and their Aamal- Naama meaning 'book of deeds' will given to them in their hands and will all start going to the field of Hashr. They will then stand and wait for their judgement and fate. The ground will be made of copper. The sun will be glowing in full strength and will be just above people's heads. With the extreme heat, people's brains will start boiling and their tongues will become as dry as thorns and many will drop out of their mouths. People will sweat tremendously, some will sweat upto their ankles, some will sweat upto their knees and some will sweat upto their faces. Depending upon their deeds, they will suffer. The sweat will also be giving off a foul stench. There will be great delay just in this position. The day will be equivalent to fifty thousand years, and half of the time will go by in this situation. People will start looking for an intercessor who can relieve them of this problem and a quick decision can be made. All the people will take advice and go to Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salaam first. He will say go to Hazrat Nooh, who will say go to Hazrat Ibrahim. who will say go to Hazrat Moosa, who will send everybody to Hazrat Eisa. Hazrat Eisa will. send everybody to our Master Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. When the people go to our Huzoor and request him to intercede, our beloved Prophet will say "I agree and am prepared to do this". He will then perform prostration in the holy court of Allah. Allah will say :0h Muhammad Alaihi Salaam, lift your head, say and it will be listened, ask and it will be given, and perform intercession and it will be accepted. Now the judgement and accounting will begin. The deeds will be weighed in the 'scales of deeds' called Meezan-e-Amal. Your own hands, feet and other parts will give witness against you. The part of the ground where a particular action took place will also be prepared to give witness against you. there will be no friends or helpers. A father will not help his son. nor will a son help his father. All the deeds will be unveiled. All the deeds that have been done will be in front of you. You will not be able to deny a sin nor will you be able to find a reward. In this very difficult and appalling situation, Huzoor the light, the love of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam will help. He will perform intercession for his believers.

Different forms of intercession

The Holy Prophet's intercession will be in many different forms. Many people with the intercession of the Holy Prophet will go into Jannat (Paradise) without being judged. Many people who should have been in Dozakh (Hell) will be saved from going into Dozakh with the assistance of the Holy Prophet's intercession. Those sinful Muslims who will have reached Dozakh will come back out with the assistance of the intercession of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet will perform intercession for the Jannatees and raise their grades.

Who else will perform intercession

Except for the Holy Prophet, the rest of the Prophets, the Sahhabis (companions of the Holy Prophet), the Ulema (Islamic scholars), the Walis (friends of Allah), the martyrs, the Huffaz-e-Quran (One who has learnt the Quran off by heart and follows it's orders) and the Hujjaz (those who have had their pilgrimage accepted by Allah) will all also perform intercession. People will remind their Ulema, deeds that are in connection with them, if someone gave water to an Alim to perform Wuzu (ablution) then he will remind them of it and ask for intercession in return, and they will then perform intercession for him.

This day of Qayamat which will be equivalent to fifty thousand years long and it's difficulties will be too much to withstand, but it will be made so light for the Prophets, Aulia and the pious, as the same time it takes to pray a Farz Namaz. For some it will be even less, equivalent to a blinker of the eyelid the whole day will finish. The biggest gift that Muslims will be given that day will be seeing Allah himself. You have been presented so far in short detail the details of Hashr, after this people will go to their forever destination or home. Some will have a home of rest, where there will be no limit of pleasure and happiness, and this is known as Jannat. Some people will go to the home of torture. Where there is no limit to torture and pain, and this is known as Dozakh or Jahannam. Jannat (paradise) and Dozakh (hell) are facts and those who reject it are Kafirs. Both Jannat and Dozakh have been made and are present at the moment, it is not so that they will be created after the day of resurrection. Qayamat (the day of destruction), Hashr (the day of resurrection), Sawab (reward), Azaab (sin), Jannat (Paradise) and Dozakh (hell) are all true as they are believed by Muslims. Therefore, those who believe them as facts but have a different definition for them. for example, to say that reward means to be happy when seeing your good deeds, and sin means to be sad when seeing your bad deeds, and Hashr will be only for souls not the body etc. then this is really rejecting all the above and therefore are rejecters and those who are rejectors are Kafirs. Qayamat will definitely happen and those who reject this belief are also Kafirs. Hashr will be for both souls and bodies, those who say only the souls will wake up the body will not come back to life are also Kafirs/infidels. Whichever soul belonged to whichever body will be reconnected, it is not true that a new body will be created and the soul will be put into that. If all the parts of the body after death have

Something is missing here


Allah Ta'ala will give his beloved Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Muqam-e-Mehmood (Grade of praise). This is where the people from before and after him will praise him. (Will speak highly of him).


This is a flag which will be given to our master Hazrat Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam. Under this all the Muslims from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salaam to the day of Qayamat will gather, Prophets, Walis etc. etc.


Jannat is a very large and very beautiful place. It has been made by Allah Ta'ala for Muslims. It's walls have been made of bricks of gold and silver and it's cement is made of musk. The ground is made of saffron and ambergris (a wax like substance). Instead of stones there will be diamonds and pearls. To house the residents of Jannat, there are mansions and large conservatories made of pearls, diamonds and beautiful jewellery. Each level is as large in breadth as the sky to the ground. It's doors are so wide that a fast horse would have to run seventy years to get from one side to another. There will be so many gifts in Jannat that you would not dream or think about. There will be different types of fruits, milk. honey, wine (sweet smelling non alcoholic) and other nice types of food. Jannatees will be given clothes so beautiful that no-one in this world will have ever had fate to wear. For assistance, thousands of clean, pure servants will be available and for company, beautiful "Hoorehs" (princesses) whose beauty will be so much that if one actually looked towards this world the people just by looking at her beauty and shining face would become unconscious. As for health, you will never sleep, nor will you ever become ill nor will anyone ever have a worry or nor will you ever die. There will never be any sort of difficulties, in fact there will be every type of rest and ever desire will be fulfilled. The biggest gift of all will be to see Allah Ta'ala.


This is also a place where there is complete darkness and strong black fire, which has no shine to it and this place has been made for the sinners and the infidels to live. The infidels will be imprisoned here forever. It's fire will continue to get hotter. The fire of hell is so strong that if a pinpoint of it was thrown into this world every single person would die from it's heat. If one of the guards of hell came to this world. people would ail die just by seeing his frightening face, no one would survive. The Jahannamees will be given many different types of punishment. Big snakes and scorpions will bite. People will have their heads crushed by big hammers. People will suffer from extreme hunger and thirst. They will be given boiling hot oil type of water to drink and poisonous thorny fruits to eat. When they eat this fruit it will get stuck in the throat, and to wash it down they will ask for water and will be given the boiling hot water. When drinking this water all their insides will break and wash away. The thirst will be so extreme that when drinking this water the lips will crumble away. The infidels will become so helpless from this punishment that they will wish for death, but it will not come. They will ask for each others advice and go to the guard of hell 'Hazrat Malik', and ask him to tell the lord of their conclusion. Hazrat Malik will not reply to them for a thousand years. After a thousand years he will reply "what are you telling me for, tell him whom you have disobeyed". Then for a thousand years they will call Allah by his merciful names, and for a thousand years he will not reply. After a thousand years he will reply "stay away, remain in hell, do not talk to me". At this time the infidels will become completely hopeless of any kind of mercy and will start screaming and crying like a sound of donkeys. First they will cry with tears, then when the tears finish they will cry with tears of blood. From the effects of crying they will leave big gaping gaps in their cheeks. The amount of water and pus from crying will be so much that if boats were put into them they would start sailing. The face of Jahannamees will be so bad that if a Jahannamee was brought into this world, all the people would die by looking at his face and from the foul stench. Finally foi' infidels the situation will be that for every infidel a coffin will be prepared for them to the length of their height, and then they will be put into this coffin. The it will be set on fire and it will be locked with a padlock of fire. It will be then be put inside a larger coffin also made of fire and the gap between will be set on fire. A padlock with chains will also be put around it made of fire. It will then be put into another coffin and the then also set on fire and again will be locked with a lock of fire. All this will be then put into a bonfire. Then all infidels will think that they will never be able to withstand any other heat and this punishment is above all punishment, and there will always be punishment for them and will never finish. When all Jannatees reach Jannat and all Jahannamees that are in Jahannam are to remain there forever, reach Jahannam, then between Jannat and Dozakh 'death' will be brought in the shape of a ram. Then a caller will call the people of Jannat and they will look in worry thinking that maybe we might be ordered out of here. Then the caller will call the Jahannamees and they will come happily thinking we might be ordered out of this painful place. Then the caller will ask "Do you recognise this ?" Everyone will reply "Yes, this is death". Then the ram will be slaughtered and he will say "Oh those in Jannat, you are there forever and there will be no death, and you in Dozakh, you are there forever, there will be no death". At this point there will be happiness on top of happiness for the Jannatees and Sadness on too of sadness for the Jahannamees.


What is Imaan-Faith ?
Faith/lmaan is to listen to what Allah and his Messenger has stated and to believe it true in your heart.

What is Kufr/infidelity

If you reject one aspect which you know that to believe is part of Islam then this is Kufr. Like, to reject, Qayamat, Angels, Jannat, Dozakh, Hisab, or not to believe that Namaz, Roza, Zakat, Hajj is Farz (obligatory). It is also Kufr not to believe that the Holy Quran is the words of Allah. To insult the holy Ka'aba, the holy Quran, or any of the Prophets or Angels is also Kufr. To degrade any of the Sunnats (actions of the Holy Prophet), to make jokes of the orders of Shariat (Islamic law) or to reject or suspect it untrue any known and recognised aspects of Islam is also definitely Kufr/infidelity. To be a Muslim you have to, together with faith and belief also pledge your status as a Muslim. One must pledge his faith unless there is a difficulty, for example, you cannot speak, or to speak would mean to lose your life or would lose a part of the body, then it is not necessary to pledge your faith with your tongue. In fact one can state things against Islam if their life is at risk. However, it is always best and reward not to say anything against Islam even to save your life. Except for this exception, whenever there is something that is submitted against Islam then they will be recognised as a Kafir. Whether you say that I was only saying it with my tongue but really did not believe it in my heart it will still be recognised as Kufr. Also to perform actions which are signs of Kufr then if you perform them you will be recognised as a Kafir/infidel. For example, to wear a 'Janeo' (a sacred thread worn by Hindus), or to have a lock of hair (plats for men) the same as Buddhists have, or to wear a cross are all actions of Kufr.

What aspects makes a person a Muslim

For a person to become a Muslim it is necessary for them to believe Islam as the true religion and does not reject any of it's necessary aspects, and also does not have beliefs contradictory or against the religion's necessary aspects (Zaroriyaat-e-Deen). Whether the person does not have the knowledge about all the religion's necessary aspect, i.e. even if he is a complete and utter illiterate he must believe in Islam and in the messenger of Islam and not have any beliefs against the necessary aspects of Islam (Zarooriyat-e-Deen). Whether he cannot pray the Kalima (submission into Islam) properly he is still a Muslim and not a Kafir. Thferefore, if he misses Namaz, Roza, Hajj etc. he will be a grave sinner but will remain a Muslim. This is because deeds are not a part of faith.
Belief: Whatever is without doubt Haram (forbidden) and to believe it as Halal (allowed), and to believe something Haram which is no doubt Halal is Kufr. when there is no suspicion of a particular thing being Halal or Haram or the person knows this.

What is Shirk - Polytheism

Shirk (Polytheism) is to believe someone else as lord except Allah or to believe someone worthy of worship except Allah. This is the worst type of infidelity. Except for this, regardless of how strong the infidelity is, it is not truly shirk. There will be no forgiveness for any type of Kufr/infidelity. Except for Kufr, all other sins are at the will of Allah, whatever he wishes, he will forgive.
Belief: To perform a large sin a Muslim does not become an infidel, but remains a Muslim. If he dies without performing repentance then he will still obtain Jannat. whether it will be after fulfilling his punishment or gaining forgiveness. This forgiveness may be obtained at the mercy of Allah's will or from the intercession of the Holy Prophet.

Rule : The order of someone asking for forgiveness for an Infidel
Whoever performs a prayer of forgiveness for a dead infidel, or calls an infidel as a forgiven or a Jannatee. or if someone calls a dead Hindu a 'Bekanth Baashi (Jannatee)are themselves an infidel.

Belief: To believe a Muslim as a Muslim and to believe an infidel as an infidel is necessary. A particular person's reality of being an infidel or a Muslim cannot be fully known until it is proven according to Shariat that on what state their death had come, meaning whether he has died on infidelity or died on Islam. However, this does not mean that whoever has performed definitive Kufr, then to be suspicious of his Kufr, because for someone to have suspicion of a person who has performed definitive Kufr is to become a Kafir himself. This is because the action of Shariat is done on what is seen to be the case, however, on the day of Hashr the real person's beliefs will be known. The best way to see this is that if a infidel, Christian, Jew or Hindu dies then one cannot say with complete confidence that this person has died as a Kafir, but the order of Allah and his Messenger for us is that we believe his as a Kafir and to treat him like a Kafir. The same way is if a person is a known Muslim and he hasn't said or performed anything against the basic necessities of Islam, then it is obligatory for us to believe him as a Muslim. Whether we are unaware of what status he died at.
Belief: There is no third grade instead of infidelity or Islam. Meaning you cannot have a person who is not an infidel nor a Muslim, he must be either a Muslim or an infidel.
Belief: A Muslim will always remain in Jannat and will not be evicted, An infidel will always remain in Dozakh and will never come out.
Belief: To perform prostration as a form of worship to anyone except Allah is Kufr, and for respect it is Haram (strictly forbidden).

What is Bi'dat ? - innovation in religion

Whatever action is not proven by the Prophet is known as Bi'dat (innovation in religion). There are two types of Bi'dat. Bi'dat-e-Hasana. and Bi'dat-e-Sayyia. Bi'dat-e-Hasana is that where it is not against or contradicts a Sunnat. Like, to build mosques from concrete or bricks, or to write the Holy Quran in golden letters, To perform intention with the tongue, to learn knowledge of Kalaam, Sarf and Nahoo (all Arabic grammar), to learn knowledge of astronomy, to learn knowledge of pure mathematics or trigonometry or to preach all this knowledge. It is also Bi'dat-e-Hasana to build education houses (Madressas) like we do today, to perform functions as we do today and to five out certificates and perform occasions like 'Dastaar Bandi' etc. There are thousands of things like these which were not present during the time of the Holy Prophet. They are all Bi'dat-e-Hasana and in fact some are now necessary (Wajib), like to pray Tarawih as Hazrat Farooque-e-Azam (May Allah be pleased with him) stated "Ne'matil Bidatoo Haazihee.." meaning this is a good Bi'dat. Bi'dat Siyyia Qabiha is that innovation that is against a Sunnat or contradicts a Sunnat and this is either Makrooh (disliked) or Haram (strictly forbidden).


There are two types of Imamats, Imamat Sugra and Imamat Kubra. Imamat Sugra is the Imamat that is performed in Namaz and will be explained in the Namaz section.

Qualifiers for Imamat Kubra

Imamat Kubra is in relation to representing the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. Meaning with representation of the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam, to interrogate all of the Muslim's social or religious affairs and to have the power to do so. Also to have the power to ensure all the worlds Muslims follow him in the matter of non-disobedience. To have this Imamat it is necessary that one has the following qualifiers; He is a Muslim, is free i.e. not a slave, male, sane, adult, belonging to the tribe of Quraish, one who has power. It is not necessary for one to be from the family of the Holy Prophet i.e. Hashmi or from the family of Hazrat Ali i.e. AIwi or to be Ma'soom (immune from sin), it is also not necessary that one has to be the most virtuous from their nation.
Rule: When is it obligatory to obey the Imam
It is obligatory on all Muslims to obey the Imam when his orders are not against Shariat (Islamic Law), because, one cannot anybody's orders if they are against Shariat. An Imam should be made only if he is courageous, politician and an Islamic scholar (Alim) or works with the help of Ulema.

Rule: A female or child's Imamat is not allowed. An Imam is not dismissed if he involves himself with sin.


After the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasailam his true Caliphs and related Imam is Hazrat Abubakr.Siddique (May Allah be pleased with him). After him it is Hazrat Umar Farooque (May Allah be pleased with him). Then it is Hazrat Usman (May Allah be pleased with him). After him it is Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) and then Hazrat Imam Hasan (May Allah be pleased with him). These leader's Khilafat is known as Raashida (Pious) because these great Sahhabis (companions) gave true representation of the Holy Prophet.

Belief: The length of Khilafat Raashida

The true pious Khilafat as per the traditions of the Holy Prophet lasted thirty years. Meaning it finished after six months of true Khilafat performed by Hazrat Imam Hasan (May Allah be pleased with him). Then the leader of Muslims Umar Bin Abdul Aziz performed the pious Khilafat, and Hazrat Imam Mehdi (May Allah be pleased with him) will perform true Khilafat in the final era. Hazrat Amir Ma'awiya was the first king in Islam. [Takmeelul Iman, Wa Kamal Ibne Hamam]

Belief: Who is the most virtuous of Caliphs.
After the Prophets, and out of all of Allah's creations including Jinn, Humans, Angels, the most virtuous is Hazrat Abubakr Siddique, then Hazrat Farooque Azam, then Hazrat Usman Gani, then Hazrat Maula Ali (May Allah be pleased with them). Whoever believes that Hazrat Ali is more virtuous than Hazrat Abubakr (May Allah be pleased with him) or Hazrat Farooque (May Allah be pleased with him) is a misguided person and from a bad sect.


Who is a Sahhabi
Sahhabi (companion) is that Muslim who has assisted in the holy court of the Prophet (in the Holy Prophet's presence) and has passed away from this world with faith. All Sahhabis are of praise and are pious and are also sincere in their Islamic Judgement and the same for their Islamic actions. When their is talk of a Sahhabi, it is compulsory that it be with praise.
Belief: To have bad beliefs for any of the Sahhabis is mis-guidance and belonging to the wrong sect. To speak ill of the dignity of Hazrat Amir Ma'awiya. Hazrat Amr Bin Aas. Hazrat Wahshi etc is to curse them and this is a Shi'ite belief. To insult Hazrat Shaikhain (Hazrat Abubakr and Hazrat Farooque Azam) or to reject their position as Caliphs is according to Islamic lawyers, infidelity.

Belief: Regardless of how high a rank of a Wali is, they would never reach the grade of a Sahhabi. The battle between Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Amir Ma'awiya (May Allah be pleased with him) was a mistake in the interpretation of Islamic law and therefore is not a sin. Therefore, to call Hazrat Amir Ma'awiya cruel, treacherous, etc., is all strictly forbidden and not allowed and is in fact a curse and the person is a Shi'ite.

Who is Ahl-e-Bait (the Holy Prophet's immediate family)

Ahl-e-Bait is the Holy Prophet's wives and children. Just like the Sahhabis, there has been a lot of virtuous verses and Hadiths for them. To love the Sahhabis and Ahl-e-Bait is to love the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
Belief. To accuse the mother of all Muslims Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua (May Allah be pleased with her) with adultery is definitely Kufr and is an apostate. [Shara-e-Aquaid, Wa takmeel, Wa Hindiya etc]
Belief: Hazraat - Hasnain (Imam Hasan and Hussain) are of the highest grade of martyrs. Those who reject any of their Martyrdoms is a misguided person and from a bad sect.
Belief: Those who call Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) a traitor or show Yazid as correct is a rejected person and a Kharji and therefore rightful of the fire of hell. There is no doubt in Yazid being wrong, however, do not call Yazid a Kafir or call him a Muslim, but remain quiet.
Belief: Those who do not love the Sahhabis or Ahl-e-Bait is a misguided person and from the wrong sect.
Rule: To get involved in the details of disagreements between the Sahhabis is forbidden and strictly forbidden. To hold them against their mistakes or because of this, blame them or show them as no longer evident on faith is not allowed and is against the order of Allah or his Messenger.


Wali is a pious Muslim who due to his knowledge and closeness to Allah has been given a specific position. Usually this grade is given after strictly following the Shariat and also devotion and worship. It is however, given sometimes from birth and therefore without devotion and effort. Out of all the Aulia, the highest grade is held by the Calipha-e-Raashideen. There have been Aulia in every era and will always be in every era, however, their recognition is difficult. Allah have given the Aulia great strength, whoever asks for their help is given that help even though they may be a great distance away. There knowledge is extensive, upto the extent that many give information of 'Makaana Wamaayakoon' (what has happened and what will happen) and on 'Lo'he Mahfooz'. After death their power and strength increases. To visit their shrines is to gain virtue, prosperity and blessing. To present them with Eesaal-e-Sawab is a very good thing and a way of gaining blessings. To perform the 'Urs' (death anniversary) of Aulia-e-Kiram, meaning every year to pray the Quran, perform Fatiha, speech ceremony, Eesaal-e-Sawab are all good things and are worthy of reward. However, as regard to bad acts and non allowable actions like, dance, music, group acts etc. are all sinful deeds and are even more sinful when performed near shrines.

What qualifications are necessary for a Peer

To become followers of Aulia and to become involved with them is a worthy action to gain reward in both worlds, it is therefore necessary for these four qualifying aspects to be necessary in a Peer, for one to perform Bai'at (take oath).

They must be a Sunni with the correct beliefs, otherwise you may actually lose your faith.

He must have enough knowledge so that he can complete his necessary actions by looking at books, otherwise he will no be able to differentiate between forbidden and acceptable, allowed and not allowed.
He must not be a Fasiq (wrongdoer, one who does not follow Shariat) as it is necessary to disrespect a Fasiq and it is important to respect a Peer.
His tree of virtue must be connected to the Holy Prophet otherwise he will not gain virtue from the top.

Taqleed, meaning to follow one of the four Imams of religion in orders of Islamic law (Shariat), i.e. Imam Azam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Shafa'ee or Imam Hambal and to pray Namaz as per their way or perform Roza, Zakat etc. is necessary (Wajib) to follow one of them and is known as Taqieed Shakhshi.
Notice: These Imams have not made a rule on their own accord but have explained the meaning of the Quran and Hadith which a normal person or even an Alim could not understand. Therefore to follow these Imams is really following the Quran and Hadith.
Rule: Whoever follows one Imam, cannot follow another Imam, for example, to follow some rules as per one Imam and other rules as per another Imam as it is necessary to firmly follow one Imam.. It is also not allowed to change from one Imam to another e.g. become a Hanafi from Shafa'ee etc. and so whoever you have followed upto today you must continue following him. It is also a joint agreement by all Ulema that you cannot follow another Imam or a Mujtahid (religious director) except for one of these four.


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